Be a PSS Student Ambassador!

If you are a Project Stepping Stone graduate, there is a way to continue your support—by becoming a Student Ambassador. Student Ambassadors are PSS alumni who will serve as student leaders during the week of the program and beyond. You will have certain responsibilities during the program that will allow you to demonstrate your current leadership skills and also gain new skills as an emerging leader.

The PSS 2025 Ambassador Application is now OPEN!

About the Ambassador Application

DEADLINE: March 31, 2025 @ 11:59 PM ET

Your Ambassador application its considered complete when ALL the following materials have been received:

  • Completed Online Ambassador Application, which includes:

    • 3 Essay Responses

      • Tip: Write your responses to the essay questions (below) BEFORE starting your application. Writing these before you apply will give you time to consider the prompts, thoughtfully write your essays and make sure there are no spelling errors. Simply type your essay in a Word file, save it, then “cut and paste” the essay into the online application.

    • Unofficial Student Transcipt

    • Resumé

  • Letter of Recommendation

  • Ambassador Pledge - must be signed and emailed to us by March 31, 2025

Ambassador Application Essays

AI Policy: The use of generative AI tools (e.g. ChatGPT, etc.) to write your PSS Application essays is NOT PERMITTED. All essays should be your own original writing. Any essays that are found to have used generative AI tools could affect your admissions decision.

  1. Describe a leadership activity that you are currently involved in either at school or in your community. What have you learned from this activity that will help you in your role as a PSS Ambassador? (Minimum of 250 words. Maximum of 300 words.)

  2. Describe a recent accomplishment, event, or experience that helped you grow as a person. Please explain how it impacted or changed you. (Minimum of 250 words. Maximum of 300 words.)

  3. How would you contribute or help others as a PSS Ambassador? (Minimum of 250 words. Maximum of 300 words.)

We Offer Internships!

PSS offers opportunities for you to serve as an Intern during PSS week! To be considered for these limited positions you must have participated as a former PSS Ambassador and submit a complete Intern Application. As a full-time college student, you must also demonstrate leadership in the community and must be a team player willing to train those around you, including PSS Ambassadors. We need great interns!

Download the Internship Description & Checklist to learn about the Internship, eligibility requirements, and the application process. Scholarship stipends are provided to Interns after program completion.

The 2025 PSS Intern application is now OPEN. Deadline is March 31, 2025.